Open CV
OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision) is a cutting-edge field of computer science that aims to enable the computer science that aims to enable computers to understand what is being seen in an image. It is written in C++.
According to Wikipedia, "OpenCV is a library of programming that mainly aimed at real-time computer vision. It was originally created by Intel for CPU optimization of intensive applications"
According to Wikipedia, "OpenCV is a library of programming that mainly aimed at real-time computer vision. It was originally created by Intel for CPU optimization of intensive applications"
According to me,"OpenCV helps computers to see the outside world the way we do, It is an attempt to provide vision to computers like humans to increase their efficiency"
Why we use python in OpenCV?
It stores the image in Numpy arrays which allow us to do some very powerful operation quite easy and its extremely powerful language for machine learning.
It is used to set the intensity or brightness of color in an image. It ranges from 0-255.
Basic of Computer Vision & Open CV
Do you Know what is Image?
It is a 2-dimensional representation of the visible light spectrum or It is an artifact that depicts visual perception, for example, a photo or two-dimensional picture, that has a similar appearance to some subject usually a physical object or person.
Do you know what is digital Image?
It is numeric representation normally binary of 2-D image. It usually refers to a raster or bitmapped image which has a finite set of digital values, called pixels. The digital image contains a fixed no of rows and columns of pixels.
How Images color are set?
OpenCV uses RGB color space by default. Each pixel coordinate (x,y) contain 3 values ranging for intensities from 0 to 255. Mixing different intensities of each color gives us the full-color spectrum. For Example, Yellow:-{Red -255, Green-255, Blue-0}
Images are easily stored in the computer using 3 -Dimensional array.2-Dimensional array can be used to store black and white images.
Is RGB enough to make the computer understand the thing
HSV(Hue, Saturation & Value)
It is a color space that attempts to represent the colors the way humans perceives it. It stores color information in a cylindrical representation of the color point.
It is useful in computer vision for color segmentation. In RGB, filtering specific color isn't easy, however, HSV makes it easier to set the color ranges to filter specific colors as we perceive it.
In the HSV we used 3 different channel in 1st when we only want a hue channel [:;:;0], In the second we only want saturation channel [:;:;1], IN the third we only want value channel [:;:;2].
It is used to set the value of the color that range goes from 0 to 180, not 360 and is mapped differently than standard.
Technically it can be defined as "The degree to which a stimulus can be described as similar or different from stimuli described as red, green and blue ".
It is used to set the vibrancy of color. It ranges from 0-255. It refers to the intensity of color in an image. As the saturation increases color become more pure, with the decrease of saturation color become pale or faded.
It is used to set the intensity or brightness of color in an image. It ranges from 0-255.
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Well explained bro!!